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Recently FPSA conducted a survey of our membership to determine the impact that tariffs were having on their company and their customers.  The key findings from the survey were:

  • Three times as many respondents said that US steel import tariffs had negatively impacted their business as compared to those who said it had a positive impact on their business;
  • Twice as many respondents said that US aluminum import tariffs had a negative effect on their business as compared to those saying it had a positive impact; 
  • Four times as many respondents said that recent tariffs imposed by other countries had a negative impact compared with those who said it had a positive impact;
  • Since the implementation of the recent US tariffs in 2018, more than half of the respondents said their prices had increased;
  • Since the implementation of increased tariffs in other countries this past year, over a third of respondents said that the prices of their products had increased;
  • 71% of respondents said that neither U.S. nor foreign tariffs had resulted in a reduction of sales of their equipment or products;
  • 69% of respondents are hearing concerns from customers regarding the tariffs;
  • And 38% of respondents indicated that they are seeing a slowdown in Capital Expenditures from customers as a result of uncertainty surrounding tariffs;
  • Of countries where respondents have experienced issues regarding recently imposed tariffs, the most mentioned were, in order: China, Canada, US, Germany, and Mexico.