Media Contact: Andy Drennan Senior Vice President of Membership and Business Development 703.663.1201 adrennan@fpsa.org |
July 6, 2023 |
McLean, VA – The Foundation of the Food Processing Suppliers Association (FFPSA) today announced the recipients of twenty $10,000 Career Development Scholarships for the 2023-2024 academic year. The winners of these scholarships are employees of FPSA member companies and family members and include: Alaina Broughton (Ace Sanitary), Elijah O’Connor (Grote Company), Helena Bohmann (Alfa Laval, Inc.), Mayank Raghuwanshi (Intralox, LLC), Charles Konkolics (The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company), Christina Bencin (PSC/C.A. Litzler Co.), Matthew Croke (Cybertrol Engineering), Braewyn Arceneaux (Intralox, LLC), Kaelyn Schreiner (JBT Corp.), Kaitlyn Drake (Scan American Corp.), Sofia Minutoli (The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company), Louis Klemp (Weber, Inc.), Chase Hartley (Alfa Laval, Inc.), Reagan Carlton (PFI), Jacqueline Park (Dennis Group), Lucas Bowie (Multivac, Inc.), Paul Clegg (Multivac, Inc.), Brooklynn Nieland (Festo Corporation), Aistis Boertje (Festo Corporation), and Elisabeth Wilson (Urschel Laboratories, Inc.).
These winners were selected from an impressive pool of 238 exceptional applicants for this year’s scholarship program, representing an increase of nearly 50% from 2022, largely due to the expansion of the scholarship program.
“In an effort to further strengthen our support of the academic achievement of colleagues and family members, this year the FPSA Foundation proudly increased the number of scholarships from 15 to 20 while also doubling the amount of the scholarship from $5,000 to $10,000,” said Jarrod McCarroll, Chairman of the FPSA Foundation and CEO of Weber, Inc. “For years, the Career Development Scholarship program has provided valuable assistance in helping promising students to reach their goals. We’re proud to be able to expand this program for applicants this year and for many years to come. We congratulate the winners on their achievements and look forward to where they will take these skills in what are sure to be successful careers. We encourage all eligible individuals to apply again when the application period for the 2024-2025 academic year opens in January 2024,” added Chairman McCarroll.
The Foundation of FPSA established the Career Development Scholarship Program in 2005 as a unique benefit to the members of FPSA designed to promote the career and professional development of member employees who work full time and their immediate family members. Since its inception in 1983, the FPSA Foundation has focused on supporting the growth of the food industry. Over this period, it has touched the lives of well over 2,000 individuals in the early years of their careers through its grants, scholarships and stipends. Many of these individuals are now employed in food, dairy and meat science programs in the nation’s universities, in major food and beverage processing companies, and many in FPSA member companies.
For more information on the Foundation of the Food Processing Suppliers Association visit www.fpsa.org or contact David Seckman (dseckman@fpsa.org), President and CEO of the Food Processing Suppliers Association. For more information on the Career Development Scholarship program or any other FPSA member benefits, please contact Senior Vice President of Membership & Business Development, Andy Drennan at adrennan@fpsa.org.
FPSA is a trade association serving suppliers to the global food and beverage industries. The Association’s programs and services assist its members in marketing their products and services, and in improving their business practices. Programs and services to achieve these objectives include: PROCESS EXPO, electronic media marketing, education, research, and being the voice of its members in the public arena on issues such as food safety, sanitary design of equipment, and global trade.