June 27, 2017
2:00 – 3:00 PM EDT
Food and Beverage processing plants face unique challenges when it comes to the treatment of Industrial Wastewater. The municipalities may charge high rates – or may not even accept complex wastewaters. Wastewater Treatment may become a bottleneck for expanding production or a source of valuable product loss. The Reduction of Water and Waste; Recovery of Water and Product; and Reuse of Water, Waste and Product is the foundation for the processing plant manager’s plans for optimizing Total Cost of Operation.
Join us to discover how processing plants – including the processor for fresh and cooked (breaded) product – may implement solutions towards achieving process optimization. In this webinar, we will illustrate solutions for extracting and recovering fats and inorganic matter to reduce waste-load – both within the process and after it “hits the drain”. Learn how plants have turned what was once “the high cost of waste” into a value stream from both within the process and after it “hits the drain”.
Key Points
Todd Blase is the Protein Market Manager at Alfa Laval US
Todd has been in Dairy & Food Applications and Sales for 35 years – Process Equipment Sales for 30. As Protein Market Manager – Todd is responsible for the process equipment related to protein and waste (FOG) recovery in the animal by-products business for poultry, beef, pork, and fish.