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Value Streams from FOG (Fats, Oils and Greases) in Industrial Wastewater

Alfa Laval

Reduction of Water and Waste; Recovery of Water and Product; and Reuse of Water, Waste and Product

Register for the Webinar

June 27, 2017
2:00 – 3:00 PM EDT

Webinar Topic:

Food and Beverage processing plants face unique challenges when it comes to the treatment of Industrial Wastewater. The municipalities may charge high rates – or may not even accept complex wastewaters. Wastewater Treatment may become a bottleneck for expanding production or a source of valuable product loss. The Reduction of Water and Waste; Recovery of Water and Product; and Reuse of Water, Waste and Product is the foundation for the processing plant manager’s plans for optimizing Total Cost of Operation.

Join us to discover how processing plants – including the processor for fresh and cooked (breaded) product – may implement solutions towards achieving process optimization. In this webinar, we will illustrate solutions for extracting and recovering fats and inorganic matter to reduce waste-load – both within the process and after it “hits the drain”. Learn how plants have turned what was once “the high cost of waste” into a value stream from both within the process and after it “hits the drain”.

Key Points

  • Industrial Wastewater Challenges of a protein processing plant:
    – Slaughter Plant, Processing and Packaging plant and Cooked (Breaded) Processing plant
  • Optimizing Total Cost of Ownership: Full Circle
    – Product Recovery, Re-Purposing to Value Stream
    – Water Reduction and Reuse
    – Waste Reduction, Reuse and Re-purposing to Value Stream
  • Optimizing Unit Operations:
    – Within Process before Product, Water and Waste “hit the drain”
    – Within Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Todd Blase is the Protein Market Manager at Alfa Laval US

Todd has been in Dairy & Food Applications and Sales for 35 years – Process Equipment Sales for 30. As Protein Market Manager – Todd is responsible for the process equipment related to protein and waste (FOG) recovery in the animal by-products business for poultry, beef, pork, and fish.