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FPSA is proud to announce that we will host the Food Industry Career Fair at Illinois Tech during the 2022 Fall Semester in partnership with Illinois Tech's Food Science and Nutrition Department. As a leading research university, Illinois Tech offers a tech-focused, hands-on, relevant, and rigorous curriculum—paired with real-world, team-based projects—that prepare our students and alumni to be valuable members of your team. Come to Illinois Tech to hire some of the most talented domestic and international candidates for experiential learning opportunities (internships and co-ops) and full-time employment with your company. The Food Industry Career Fair will be held over two days from October 25th – 26th.
The Food Industry Career Fair is going to be held in Hermann Hall (3241 South Federal Street, Chicago, IL 60616) on Illinois Tech's main campus. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Cindy Koschetz (Strategic Project Manager) at ckoschet@iit.edu or BJ Engelhardt (Illinois Tech's Career Services Senior Director) at jengelha@iit.edu.
The agenda is as follows:
October 25th
11-4pm – Career Fair (Open to all Students)
October 26th
9-12pm – Career Fair (Open to all Students)
9-4pm – On-Campus Interviews (by Request)
Registration Fee – $400 (all activities included)
Employer Refund Policy: If a company is unable to attend, cancellations received by October 18th will receive a full refund for the fair in accordance with the refund policy.