One of the great things about working for a trade association is hearing about some of the innovative ways our members conduct their business. This could be along the lines of sales or developing new products, expanding into new industry segments, or exploiting new opportunities, you name it. We hear about these types of things all the time.
One recent instance that I would like to share has to do with the Women’s Alliance Network and their Red Circle Honors program. In case you are not familiar with it, these awards will be presented during the Women’s Alliance Breakfast on November 4th at PROCESS EXPO. These four awards highlight women who have achieved high levels of success, introduced new innovations and ideas to their company; and also spotlight one company who has gone above and beyond to support and develop the career of their female employees.
In a recent discussion, one member mentioned that they had informed several of their employees that the company would be submitting a nomination for each of them in different categories of the Honors program. This company viewed the Red Circle Honors program as a great way to acknowledge their employee’s exceptional work and contribution to the company’s success.
Long story short, that member has a group of very happy, motivated employees who know that their company respects their work. The boss reports that sure, it would be nice to win the awards come November but in this case, these deserving employees really do feel it is an honor to be nominated.
I write this here today because I know this Association has a ton of great female employees that are at the top of their game. As you read this, do you feel the same? Isn’t their someone in your organization who deserves to be recognized. That is a rhetorical question because I know the question is YES because I work them too!
Put this on your front burner. While yes, you have until August 15th to submit nominations, get it done now and while you’re at it, let those employees know that you’re doing it and what you think of them. We could all use a pat on the back for our work and the Red Circle Honors is a great way to call attention to your people and how you support them.
Andy Drennan, FPSA SVP