This weekend, while watching a little football, a smile came over my face at one of the commercials. I’m sure you’ve seen this one before where the main character talks about bundling your home and auto insurance policies. I’m smiling, not for the reasons that they want as I couldn’t care less about my insurance which has been bundled for decades already. No, I’m smiling because it highlights what we have launched at FPSA with its new bundled membership dues.
Specifically, companies join the Association and “sample” our products. One here. One there. But when I get on the phone with our members, most times they are surprised when they hear about all of the programs that we have. “I had no idea,” is the typical response.
Top-notch market research to aid you in your budgets and planning. Online training for your staff which makes professional development fast, easy and more affordable than most courses you send them to. And cost-savings programs that help you save money in operations, utilities, travel, etc. These are some of the programs we’ve had for a few years now but rather than push out another marketing campaign to build awareness of each one, with the guidance of our Membership Committee and the FPSA Board of Directors, we have decided to bundle these into your Membership package which you receive for simply paying your dues.
You’re not the right person for professional development or your spend on utilities? No problem. Remember, this is a corporate membership. All of your colleagues are eligible. Just let us know who that right person is, and we’ll be sure to follow up with them on those specific benefits.
Speaking of which, one benefit for all members that I wish everyone would take even more advantage of is the opportunity to volunteer on our Committees, Councils and Networks. While FPSA benefits tremendously from the input of these volunteers (hence my ask), I would venture to say that most FPSA leadership would confirm that they have gotten more out of volunteering than they have put in, thanks in large part to the expansion of their networking and knowledge shared by industry colleagues. I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions but starting anew in 2023, I highly recommend considering the different groups in your Association that might serve you in your career both this year, and down the road.
I look forward to working with you in 2023.
Andy Drennan, FPSA SVP