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Red Circle Honors – Innovation & Inspiration

Women’s Alliance Network

The Innovation & Inspiration Red Circle honor is presented to a woman who has brought game-changing innovation or an inspiring idea in the past 18 months to her company and/or to the industry through the introduction of new products, technology, programs, systems, processes, etc. The nominee does not need to be a member of FPSA. You can view all of the Red Circle Honor Awards by clicking here. Nominators, please continue reading the award's criteria below.



The following should be included in your narrative:

  • One (1) paragraph description of the nominee. Provide her biographical information (employment history, job responsibilities, etc.).
  • Nominations should include commentary on as many of the below topics that apply:
    • Did the product/service meet an unmet need? If so, please explain in detail.
    • How unique is the product/service? Is this the first of its kind? If not, how is it different or better than existing products/services?
    • What new value has been created for the end user?
    • What financial evidence or market acceptance information does the product/service have to support it? What is its quantifiable evidence of success?
  • The narrative should not exceed two (2) pages.

Please Note:

  • The honors are presented at the Women’s Alliance Network Breakfast at Process Expo.
    • Admission to breakfast is $25 for attendees (admission fees are going to a charity), and award winners will be given a free pass each to the event.
    • Additionally, the recipient is responsible for their lodging, travel, and other incidentals.
  • Information from the nomination applications may be used in an article, press release, etc., by FPSA and Messe Frankfurt.
Red Circle Honors – Innovation & Inspiration

Nominee Information

Nominator Information

Explanation for Nomination

Please review the details above for what should be included in your narrative. Narrative should not exceed two (2) pages.