Career Development Interview with Tom Kittle
With the application deadline for the Collegiate Development Scholarship just a month off, we sat down to talk with FPSA Foundation Chairman Tom Kittle to talk about this important program.
FPSA: Tom, this Scholarship has been around for many years. Can you give us some top-line results of this program to date?
Kittle: The Career Development Scholarship program was launched in 2006 and since that year we have issued 138 scholarships to very deserving applicants, be they FPSA member employees or their family members. This $5,000 scholarship is a nice help in defraying the high costs of getting a college degree.
FPSA: What type of applicants do we see for this scholarship?
Kittle: Honestly, we get all types. Some people have had a misconception that they needed to be studying something related to food and beverage when actually that is not the case. We have applicants studying accounting, liberal arts, advanced math, as well as students in engineering and some in food science. The one thing that these applicants have in common is their high level of achievement. This is not a group of slackers! Having looked at the qualifications of some of the past winners, I can tell you, they were quite deserving.
FPSA: How complicated is the application process?
Kittle: Actually, it’s not complicated at all. Over the years we have simplified the process so it should take less than one hour to complete and submit the application. I know many students are on spring break right now with nowhere to go so they might consider using this time to apply as the deadline is April 17th. This is FPSA’s oldest ‘Giving Back’ program and we hope members and their families continue to take advantage of it.
FPSA: Tom, how might the recent developments with the coronavirus affect this program.
Kittle: Since the application process is entirely online, it won’t affect it at all. Obviously, we don’t know what will happen with the virus but for students that plan to be in school next fall, having additional funds would certainly help.
Employees and family members of FPSA member companies are eligible to apply online for the Career Development Scholarship using the key FPSA.
The application deadline is April 17, 2020.
For more information on the scholarship visit the FPSA website.