With the holiday break now over, I have returned to the gym, just like the many millions of people who have resolved to get into better shape. For many years, I found this to be a cynical exercise as around 25% of people don’t stick to their resolutions for even a single week! But I have different motivations this year, pushing me in this direction. This wasn’t some idle wish to be healthier. I knew that thanks to this gym membership, I would have access to far more resources to make this happen. Additionally, I would have more support from fellow members in classes and on the equipment which would also help me be more successful in reaching my goal. Finally, this support would prove critical in finding motivation and commitment on days when I don’t feel like working out, once again helping me to meet my goal. Of course, it’s up to me to make all of these previous statements a reality. My gym membership gets me NOTHING if I don’t take advantage of its benefits.
This is not unlike our membership at FPSA. We have built a collection of membership benefits with the goal of helping our members be even more successful in their business, but they don’t work if members don’t take advantage of them. This includes events that put members face to face with potential new customers, important market studies that help guide members’ strategic planning, platforms that that help members expand their professional networks, and online training programs that more easily support members’ professional development efforts. If that’s not enough, there are member discount programs that save members money on energy, office supplies, shipping and transportation, legal services, and payment processing. But they don’t work if you don’t use them.
For 2022, FPSA has made a resolution to build awareness of its benefits to the membership with the goal of always helping members to be more successful. While we’re at it, we will continue to look for new benefits that will create even more value for our members. Members are welcome to contact me at any time to learn more about these benefits. Non-members are also invited to reach out to see how they might fit within FPSA.
We look ahead to this new year with hope and optimism, and hope you’ll be there to join us in making it as successful as possible!
Andy Drennan, FPSA SVP